The FallScape
System has been developed and tested with support from the
National Institute on Aging starting in 2004, it has won
awards from the AGS, APTA & AOTA. Designed for ease of use
in any setting, FallScape uses each individual's unique
mobility, environment and functional status to create
personalized interactive multimedia training
sessions and evaluations. The easy-to-use software provides
customized falls prevention programs in any setting and
includes a standardized behavioral intervention (FallsTalk),
reporting tools and individual program materials. Longitudinal
research has shown that both FallsTalk and FallScape significantly reduce
falls1, increase recognition of personal fall risks2
and promote falls prevention behaviors3,4
Survival Analysis compares individuals who had interactive
multimedia falls prevention training sessions (FallScape)
with participants who had interactive sessions
multimedia (FallsTalk), and those who only kept daily
fall diaries (Controls).
Also; a-Mobility, b-Multimedia, c-Falls & d-Caregivers
a- Panzer V, Wakefield D et al. (2011) APM & R; 92:905. b- Panzer V, Burleson J et al. (2012) Alz & Dem; 8:444. c- Scott AB, Maher J et al. (2019) Alz & Dem; 15:1573. d- Panzer V, Smith V et al. (2019) Alz & Dem; 15:1566.